Jonathan Meersman | Luxury SUV Rides

Tell us a little bit about Luxury SUV Rides:

Based in Milwaukee, Luxury SUV Rides provides door-to-door chauffeured black car transportation services in Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. We exclusively run SUV’s, and specialize in providing professional service with a personal touch for every customer. As a private owner, I work as the lead chauffeur and point of contact, and currently operate with 5 employees and 10 or so IO’s.

What do you wish more people knew about the business?

We operate at a very high level of professionalism. I have always been committed to the idea of quality over quantity, and I think that shows in the services we are providing.

Jonathan Meersman Luxury SUV Rides

All our chauffeurs work in the classic black suit and tie (unless the client requests something different, of course) and we offer elevated experiences across the board with absolute discretion and a nod to luxury. For example, I own two newer Escalades — which is pretty rare in Milwaukee — and I’ve upgraded them with integrated screens enabled with live programming, ESPN, etc. I’ve just ordered two new 2025 Escalades as well. I want the people traveling with us to have every option they might ever consider wanting.

How did you, personally, end up in the transportation industry?

I’ve been a web development professor in Milwaukee for 22 years, and was looking for a way to make some extra cash. I didn’t necessarily want to drive for Uber, but eventually warmed to the idea, and then after a couple months of that I realized I should make the investment to start my own business.

I founded Luxury SUV Rides in 2017 as a sole proprietor, switched to a single member LLC in 2020, and then in 2023 became an S-Corp. My first vehicle was an SUV, a Suburban, which I felt was the most versatile option. If someone requests a sedan, you can always put them in an SUV, but not really the other way around. And defining that early niche for myself has served me well as we’ve continued to grow. I find the more specific vehicles are in less demand — special occasions, weekends only, etc. — and what we’re really aiming for is consistency and quality of experience.

I actually have a contract with a professional sports team, and the guys I’m driving are literally too tall to fit in a sedan. So SUV’s have really opened up a lot of business for me. Meanwhile, the company is big enough to support their needs, but small enough that we’re able to offer them extremely personalized service. When they call, they get me, directly. Even at 1 AM.

Business has continued double digit growth since I started, with the pandemic year being a little bit of an exception, as you might expect. There are great opportunities in Milwaukee, and I’ve been grateful to have access to them.

What has been your experience as an ILLBA member?

We’ve been a member for just about a year — I joined at the 2023 Great Lakes Transportation Show after serving on the New Operator Bootcamp panel. I attended several sessions while I was there, and was impressed by how many new ideas were presented. The experience allowed me to connect with operators I only knew by reputation at that point, and now we have active working relationships. We all need each other.

How are you spending your time outside of the business?

I am the Program Manager for the Midwest Regional Championships for US Youth Soccer, which is close to my heart. I played as a kid, and then was a referee at a professional level for a long time many years ago. I also actively foster and rescue dogs — currently I have two pug puppies, in addition to a vizsla mix.

Any predictions, hopes, or ambitions for the future of our industry?

Companies that grow too large that they lose the personal touch are missing the point. Staying close to the business, continuing to answer the phone — there are opportunities there for a level of service people can trust, and which they will continue to come back for again and again.

Luxury SUV Rides

You can reach Jonathan at [email protected], +1 414-436-4100 ext. 707, or on LinkedIn.

Learn more about Luxury SUV Rides on their website and connect with them on Facebook.

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